
“The whole scene had an imaginary quality to it. I knew that it was real, but at the same time it was better than reality, more nearly a projection of what I wanted from reality than anything I had experienced before.”

- P. Auster, Moon Palace

Diálogos Memorables n # 2

W: You know about icebergs, dad? 
E: Do I? I saw an iceberg once. They were hauling it down to Texas for drinking water. They didn’t count on there being an elephant frozen inside. The wooly kind. A mammoth.W: Dad! 
E: What? 
W: I’m trying to make a metaphor here. 
E: Well you shouldn’t have started […]


Diálogos memorables n # 1

S: I feel as though my life would be wasted if I didn’t love deeply with a man whose mind I respected, whose spirituality equalled mine, and who had the same lustful appetite for sensual passion that drives me insane. B: You’re an incredibly complex woman. S: I guess you could say I’m half saint, […]
